Toutes Mes Aventures by Fredda

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Fredda has been a gifted singer and wonderful songwriter from the very beginning. "Toutes mes aventures" is her debut album and has the character of a very versatile episodic film. She recounts how she waits for Barry White songs at the discotheque, describes her job as a sleeping car conductor ("Hôtesse wagon-lit") and tells the story of the coming-out of a young lesbian ("Les rose des filles"). She sings about things she loves ("J'aime") and a one-armed bandit ("Bandit manchot"). But no matter what the subject, she creates little movies in the mind of the listener, brought to life by the samples, string arrangements and beautiful melodies that are used.
Ever since her song "Barry White" was featured in the US series "Suits", the early music of Fredda has been rediscovered again and again.
Tracks #
1. Barry White
by Fredda -
2. Bandit Manchot
by Fredda -
3. Le Rose Des Filles
by Fredda -
4. Cinéma
by Fredda -
5. Toutes Vos Aventures
by Fredda -
6. Insomnie
by Fredda -
7. J'aime J'aime
by Fredda -
8. Pas Par Moi
by Fredda -
9. Rosa
by Fredda -
10. Hôtesse Wagons-Lits
by Fredda